The Biography. --minta tolong.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

So, refer to this post, setelah sekian lama barulah ada kabar dari sang Prof dan publisher, Ms. Rehm yang menyuruh gw melengkapi semua-muanya seperti biografi, performance notes of the song, foto, and here I go. PUSING.

Anyway, ternyata perjuangan sejak menang itu belomlah selesai. Seperti udah kalian baca ya kan, tampilan score gw itu emang terlihat amat amatir dalam menggunakan software sibelius. Jadilah gw mengeditnya dengan photoshop untuk membuang bagian-bagian ngga perlu. Score udah cantik, mengkilappp, (dalam format JPEG) eh si Prof dong minta dalam bentuk sibeliusnya karena dia mau kasi bbrp suggestions. *nangis*.
Sehingga I have to pay someone for doing it. Dibuatin dari awal lagi dalam bentuk sibelius supaya sesuai yang gw mau. *huufft*
Kan ngga mungkin dong ya gw bilang "Prof, mending prof aja yang belajar nambahin pake photoshop." Sekejap mimpi-mimpi pun sirna.

Nnnnnnah. Sekarang gw harus membuat my own biography in english. Rempong, lidah belepotan, mata membelalak 3 jam depan komputer. Saya mo minta tulung nih ya buat pembaca yang budiman dan inggrisnya dewa, mohon dikorek. Eh mangap maksudnyah dikoreksi. Mo ditambahin juga boleh, mungkin yang merasa mengenal gw amat teramat sangat sampe gw sendiri lupa. Asalkan informasinya sesuai konteks, ga usah juga nambahin berapa lama nungguin mantan dari belahan bumi yang lain, atau ngasi tau gw ngompol terakhir umur berapa, atau seperti apa tampang gw di pagi hari. OKEH!? Hihihi.

Here it is. 

Born in Jakarta, Indonesia, January 16, 1990. She started learning electone at age 9 and graduated the 5th grade at Yamaha Musik Indonesia in 2008. Since the age of 10, actively accompanying mass at Stella Maris Church Pluit, and choirs. At age of 17 began to feature the work of composing songs featured in theatre performance of "Opera Negri Impian", and successfully won an Eucharist song composing competition held by Orang Muda Katolik Keuskupan Agung Jakarta (Catholic Youth People Archdiocese of Jakarta) in the following year. 

Her interest in choir was started in high school and became an active member of Paduan Suara Universitas Tarumanagara (Tarumanagara University Choir) since 2008 under the guidance of Angela Astri Soemantri (until 2010) and won some achievement in the regional, as well as national and international level such as IICC (ITB International Choir Competition) in 2009, and Grand Prix Pattaya 2011, 4th International Choir Festival in Thailand under the guidance of Satriya Krisna.
Together with Orcaellae Vox Sacra Choir, led by Angela Astri Soemantri, she won 2 Golden Diploma in “7th International Choir Festival & Competition, Venezia in Musica” in 2009 for Folklore and Mixed Chamber Choir Category.

She had received some vocal training by Satriya Krisna and Budi Utomo Prabowo, and vocal master class by Prof. Ghislaine Morgan (UK), and a choir clinic by Mark Anthony Carpio (Philippines) and Prof. Aurelio Porfiri (Italy). She, a student who majoring Accounting in Tarumanagara University, actually has no significant degree in music – especially in arranging, composing, and choral music, so her works and creations were just made based on her experience in music, in various ways.

Lately, she started to be trusted to arrange songs for choir, both pop and religious music for any purposes. In August 2011, she won the Marcella Marziali Composition Contest for children choir held by Monarch Orcaellanum Luminare Choir, cooperate with Prof. Aurelio Porfiri. That brought the song titled “The Star and You” to be published by Porfiri & Horvath Publisher, (publisher of international choir music) based in Germany.
As a contribution to church music, she now became a member of association of Eucharist song composer in Keuskupan Agung Jakarta (Archdiocese of Jakarta), who will publish a new hymnbook for Eucharist in 2012.
CeQi4nDh 'eN tRmA kCie . . 

Don't understand? Highlight this part: 
(baca: sekian dan terima kasih, gitu aja ga ngerti?!!? =D)

Doobiedoo-ah doobiedoo-eeyy, dadah and see you later yeh!

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